Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hope ~ By; Beth Moore

I've grown old enough to know
That fairies don't have tails
That good men often suffer
While evil men prevail.
I've tried to find that white frame house
With matching picket fences
But found instead black picket signs
And hatred's thorny fences.
I've lived enough to see
The innocent maligned
And I've concluded fairness is
A rarity to find.
I've seen the noble dreams of man
Be in an instant shattered
I sigh to see another woman
Used and bruised and battered.
I've seen shots of tiny orphans
As rulers rise and fall
I've stood by stricken parents
And caskets way too small.
I've abandoned childish notions
That life is like pretend
I've tossed paper to the ground and sobbed
"When will this madness end?"
But I've never grown up quite enough
To leave my hope behind
I'll think I've turned my back on hope
Then bump into the kind
Of Gentle Traveller sent to bind
My wounded faith with love
Who sets my feet upon a Rock
And my mind on things above.
Then I find myself still hoping
Old folks won't be left alone
And can't seem to quit believing
Daddy's still might move back home.
And that an orphan might just find
A reason to survive
And parents of the missing
Might just find their son alive.
No, I've never grown up quite enough
To scorn sweet signs of Spring
Nor can I help but think a tree
Is happy with a swing.
And you must pardon if I hope
The Pearl of Heaven's Gate
Is the treasure I've adored
And longed to celebrate.
I Hope to hug the ones I've loved
And jump on cotton clouds
Where angels sing His holiness
And saints can laugh out loud.
Some bedtime tales are worth the tell-
May one be quickly due
Let Gabriel groom that great white horse
And board Faithful and True.
So let this world's prince mock and scorn
My hope is not ashamed
For in the King of kingdom's grand
My Hope has found a Name.
Written and Published by:
Beth Moore ~ Things Pondered
From the Heart of a Lesser Woman

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