Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hidden In My Heart

To Purchase This  Amazing CD ~ Click On The Title Of This Post & You Will Be Directedto This Website
 Most of you know my love and passion for music....not just any music, but songs that change your heart. This CD is by far one of the most eloquent and peaceful compositions of Scripture expressed through music that I've ever heard. I find my heart grows still, and I feel life return to a place of peaceful existence. Especially during this time of year. The business of holiday preparation and memories of the years past can take one to a place of hectic existence.... This CD brings it all back into perspective.

Perfect gift for a baby shower that will stay with the child for years to come. Wonderful idea for parents that find themselves on that ever so unwanted journey of days and weeks in the NICU with a premature or ill child. Excellent stocking stuffer for a person of any age that longs for peace. I truly truly love this CD and can't wait to purchase my own.

Be blessed in all that you do and be a blessing to those in need.

In His Amazing Grip ~

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