Monday, March 16, 2009

A Prayer for Understanding

From "The North Face of God"
By: Ken Gire
Dear Lord,
Help me to understand that I am part of a divine work that has been millennia in the making.
Though my place may be small, it is significant; though fragmentary, it is full of meaning.
I pray that whatever suffering comes to me in this life would, through Your gentle hand, become part of a mosaic that helps to tell a beautiful story of redemption.
I pray, as in Psalm 39:4-5, that you remind me how brief my time on earth is.
Remind me that my days are numbered, that my life is fleeing away; an entire lifetime is just a moment to you, the whole of human existence but a breath.
Remind me of this too:
That though my life is but a breath,
it is a divine breath
That will one day return to you who first gave it.
Grant me the grace to reach a summit of understanding about my circumstances; and if not a summit, at least a ledge where I can come to peace with them, and with the peace....find rest.
In Jesus most Holy Name,
Wow! This book is such a blessing. Not only because it has helped me look for God's hand during a season of pain over the loss of my nephew Major at 15 months old...but as God is taking me into a new season in my relationship with Him, a newer intimacy, I have a surety now that in the depths of my heart, I know He hears my cry, and I am learning more and more each day to "wait well" for His answers and to be okay with no answer at all. It's not easy to takes effort on my part. But, the nearness of Him that I feel during dark hours is worth far more than any effort I could ever put into looking for Him. I'd go to the depths of the earth for Him. He is working a divine plan in all of us....whether you believe and have accepted Him or not...He loves, He cares, and He hears. Trust in Him.
In His Grip,

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