Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Long Overdue Update.....

Ah....It's been a long week. I've, again, meant to take some time to write and update everyone on the status of our new journey here in The Promise Land, Oklahoma. :0) (When I wrote last about the snake issue, my dear friend Debe replied with "you shouldn't have left Heaven for the promise land...we don't have snakes down here"...she is my fun loving Longhorn rival, that in time, will see the light and the error of her ways and convert to the Sooner Nation. Ha ha!)

Everyone is well. The children are settling in and we are trying to re establish the routine we had constructed prior to our move. Grandma's house is an adventure to these small inquisitive minds, which leaves me tracing their footsteps all day and fixing or putting back together those item in which they have "discovered". They never seem to get into the same thing together as a team, which of course would make my life easier...but why would they want to do that. Is it bad mothering to admit that some days I just want to crawl into bed and stay there?

The girls are fastly approaching the terrible two's...or trying two's...terrific two's...whatever you want to call it. They are discovering their wills and Ashley seems to encompass in her little body the "no fear" mentality. She keeps me nervous as she climbs over furniture, banisters, and anything else that has a minimum of a 3 foot drop onto a hard surface. I just pray for her protection every day. Megan is full of snorty giggles that keep you laughing even when you want to cry. She has a joy that reaches to the tips of her tiny toes. Her mobility and speed has greatly picked up in the past few weeks, which for her and keeping up with the other two is a good thing. She likes to run away from you when you say (or scream with intensity) for her to stop. She sheepishly peers over her shoulder with a smile and then runs some more. My mission with her is to make the reality and importance of my "instruction" and "guidance" something that she will listen to.

Kory is getting ready to start a mother's day out program at a fantastic church about 2 miles from the house. They have a wonderful children's program and I think the mental activity as well as physical activity with children his own age will inspire his thinking and he will blossom in many areas. He needs some friends that are his age, so I am looking forward to that starting soon.

Daren is still on the quest for a job. Things are slow in almost every market, which I am sure everyone realizes. I have faith though, that God will open that perfect door for Daren in His perfect time. I know Daren feels some frustration from the lack of opportunities out there to start a new chapter in life for his career.

I, am fine. I have done "something" to my back that has left me struggling through the day when it comes to physical activity. It radiates up into my neck as well which has produced a tingling sensation down my left arm and three of my fingers are numb. GOOD TIMES!!! So excited to yet have another problem in which to work on. Why? Why do these things keep happening? I did go to a chiropractor, which goes against anything and everything that I have learned over the years in my career in orthopedics. I should have listen to my gut and not gone... when he "re aligned" my back by placing both of his hands on the small of my back and forcing every pound of his body weight into "cracking" was a terrible pain. Still bewildered at what had just happened, I wasn't thinking clearly when he asked me to place my head in his hands and then with no notice as to what he was about to do, ripped my neck to the left and I was certain my head had detached from my body. Um, yeah....that won't be happening again. I'm going on Friday to see one of the ortho docs I used to work for....

Anyway, that is just a few of the happenings in the Cole family since my last post of the slithering little (or large) suckers that have invaded our home. We've only managed to kill one, but "mother bear here" is on the look out constantly and is ready to jump into full action....

Love to all of you...Thank you for your continued prayers and support. It's a priceless gift that you have given to us!!! Thank you!!!

In His Grip!

P.S. I've tried for 30 minutes to upload pictures to go along with this story...but we are having trouble with the wireless internet out here in the look for them later today....

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